Abuse & Harassment
How to get or respond to a Protection from Abuse or Harassment complaint or order.
Filing or responding to a Petition for Divorce, spousal support, more.
Information on guardianship of children and incapacitated adults.
Wills & Estates
Maine Probate Courts handle all estates; guardianships for adults and minors; conservatorship; changes of name and other legal matters.
Maine eCourts
Information about the Judicial Branch's new online court case management system.
What to expect if you are planning to visit a State of Maine courthouse and tips to improve your visit.
Traffic Violations
How to pay a ticket or contest a traffic ticket or moving violation.
Criminal Cases
Information on the process of a criminal case, drug treatment courts, background checks, and more.
Jury Service
Responding to a Jury Summons, exemptions from service, and more.
Families & Children
Child support, parental rights, child protection cases, GAL/CASA, some adoptions, more.
Juvenile Cases
Procedures for cases involving persons under 18 charged with certain offenses, sealing a record, and more.
Court Records
Information on how to get copies of a court record.
Service of Court Papers
How to serve court papers in family matters and other civil cases.
Eviction (Forcible Entry & Detainer)
Filing and responding to an FED complaint.
Information about the Foreclosure Diversion Program.
Small Claims
How to file or respond to a small claims case in District Court.
Consumer Protection
Maine Attorney General's Consumer Law Guide is an online guide with information on consumers’ rights.
Mediation & Alternative Dispute Resolution
Information about mediation in certain types of cases.
Information on appeals to the Supreme Judicial Court or Superior Court.