Supreme Judicial Court

Hon. Valerie StanfillHon. Valerie Stanfill
Chief Justice

2025 State of the Judiciary Address (PDF)

The Supreme Judicial Court is the State's highest court and the court of last resort. It has seven justices, presided over by the Chief Justice, who is the head of the Judicial Branch. The Court has two major roles.

First, the Court decides appeals on questions of law that arise in cases in the state's Superior, District, and Probate Courts, and in some administrative agencies. When the Court decides appeals, it is said to be "Sitting as the Law Court." Its published opinions are binding on all Maine courts when they adjudicate similar disputes.

Second, the Court governs the Judicial Branch. This includes making policy and procedural rules that govern all state courts, admitting lawyers to the practice of law in state courts, and regulating conduct of lawyers and judges.

The justices also issue advisory opinions on state law to the Governor or Legislature when requested on "solemn occasions."

Clerk's Office

Maine Supreme Judicial Court Clerk's Office
205 Newbury Street, Room 139
Portland, ME 04101-4125
(207) 822-4146

Matt Pollack, Esq.
Executive Clerk, Clerk of the Law Court, and Reporter of Decisions

Clerk's Office Hours of Operation

Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. except for Court HolidaysAdministrative Weeks, and closings due to storms and other emergencies.