Co-Parent Education Programs

A co-parent education program can help almost all parents and children who are going through a divorce or separation. In certain cases, the court may require that you and your child’s other parent participate in a program. 

Co-parent education classes

Four-hour, in-person classes are offered throughout Maine. Many classes are scheduled on the weekend or in the evening.

Find a class

Classes help parents understand:

  • Children’s needs as the family changes;
  • The effects of separation and divorce on children; and
  • Common ways children react to the break-up of their family.

Parents will learn:

  • How to talk with children about divorce, separation, and other changes;
  • Ways to deal with conflict without involving the children;
  • How to help children adjust to different households; and
  • How to co-parent successfully.

Contact one of these organizations directly for current program dates, locations, and information on registering. You must register ahead of time for the specific date you want. Some organizations offer online registration.

There is generally a fee to attend a workshop. Check with the organization directly about payment options.